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What Was I Thinking?

I began coaching beginner models for well-intentioned reasons. Just prior to that time, I had made the decision to quit modeling after...

truly "Super"models don't smoke

Confession: When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I wanted to be a smoker so badly. I tried so hard. I wanted to know what all...

"You're doing business here."

Being a model is not always fun, but it definitely can be sometimes. What is defined as fun in this biz might be something different for...

Why do you want to be a model?

"As long as we live in a society that rewards us for what we do rather than who we are, we will feel undervalued and unfulfilled." ~Jill...

" Beauty is not for nothin' "

I was 20 years old in NYC, at my new modeling agent’s office. I had been modeling for five years, which felt like an eternity at that...

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(773) 332-6486

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